Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 7: First Day Of The Nex 2 Weeks

Well, after a week of non stop walking and sight seeing (tourism up the ying yang) we were all thankful to be boarding the train to take us to our last stop on our vacation: Ponte Buggienese. I'm sure I spelled it wrong, and I'm sure I'll be corrected by mom later, but its not like it really matters anyways... you wouldnt be able to pronounce is right even if i spelled it right.

After 2 short (well, short compared to what we've gone through in the past week) train rides, we arrived in this small town outside of Florence, Italy and were quickly greeted by our new friends The Billi's. For who that dont know, our family did a home exchange with them. We basically switched homes for 2 weeks. They drove us to their home, our new apartment, showed us some little things around the house, and left us to take care of their home for the rest of our visit.

Afer they left, we had the wonderful pasta (of course) dinner they had left us. With full tummys, we un packed, claimed our rooms, and settled in. They left us a huge binder FILLED to the point of explosion of maps and information about the surrounding landmarks. We decided to take it easy tomorrow and relax after the full week of rushing around everywhere. So, tomorrow we will spend the day at the beach that is about 20 minutes from our house. Time to soak up the sun!

....i apologize for any miss spellings and such, I'm typing on their home computer which is italian based, so its a little more difficult to type on. Not to mention theres no spell check. Thanks for your patience :)

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