Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 13: Lucca and the beach

Since we spent most of yesterday relaxing and re-energizing, we were more then ready to hit the streets of Lucca... A beautiful city surrounded by a tall wall. As soon as we walked in the huge door, we followed the locals and all the other tourists and rented some bikes for an hour. With Reece and dad on their two-seater and me and mom on your separate bikes, we rode along the walls edge, which was made into a park. The path was lined with huge shady trees, and the breeze was just right. We rode around the whole wall (which took about 30 minutes) and once through the city back to our starting spot. After returning the bikes, our new plan was to walk until we found gelato. This plan didnt last long, because after walking only a block we came across a gelato place. We finished our gelato's, and walked back through the huge door and back to our car.

It was so hot, but we werent ready to go home for the day. So, in a desperate attempt to stay cool, we drove to the beach. This time, we decided to keep it cheap, and went to the free side. The water was just perfect and the waves were rolling in just big enough so Reece could use his boogie board. After spending the rest of the day there, we were sandy, salty, and ready to go home again.

We're looking forward to another wonderful day tomorrow.

Goodnight, Washington.

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