Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 16: Cinque Terre-Episode 2!

Once again, we woke up early with one thing in mind- the beautiful Cinque Terre. Its moms favorite stop so far, but we hadnt seen all of it yet, and we were determined to see it all.

We started our day with an hour and 15 minute drive to the train station, then took the train to a part of Cinque Terre, and started our hike to a part that we had not seen before. This hike was suppose to be more difficult then the first one we did there, but we thought it was a tad bit easier. The beginning was insane! We climbed up what seemed like hundreds of stairs in the burning heat, hardly ever stopping to take some breaks. After the first part was done, it was a little easier. But it was still super hot!

After the hike we went straight to, you guessed it, the sea. We had an idea to rent kayaks, but when we got there we saw a pedal boat with a slide off the back. Who could pass that up? We rented it and rode out into the sea. As dad would say, the sea was rough that day my friend. It was bumpy and we were thrown back and fourth. I found out quickly that i get motion sickness pretty bad. So we used up the rest of our time and came in quickly.

We took a lunch break in the park (although it wasnt really lunch considering it was 5:30) in the shade. We fed our left overs to the birds and ants (there was a bird that had twine around it legs and couldnt move very well, we felt sorry for it and fed it more then the other birds) and headed to the train station after a quick stop at a gelato place (of course).

We boarded the train, drove home, and now we're all exhausted and ready for bed. The home sickness is spreading quickly as we talk to the care takers of our pets, family, and friends. Italy is beautiful, but theres no place like home. I'm sure we'll have NO problem loving the rest of our time here though! :)

Until tomorrow!

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