Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 17:San Gimignano and Volttera

Boy, are we early rises or what! Not. We left the house around 2, so we knew we wouldnt have much time at each stop. Today was the last day for seeing old citys and such, and there were only 2 citys left on our list. San Gimignano and Volterra.

San Gimignano was known for being super touristy, so we expected loads of people when we walked in. It met our expectations. The roads were crowded with tourists, and the sun was blazing hot. We walked around aimlesly through the crowds until we found a restraunt of our liking. Guess what we had? Pasta and pizza. Not a surprise there! After lunch, we entered the museum of torture (leaving mom behind, she didnt like the sound of the place) and saw some things that i could have gone my whole life without seeing. One of Reece's favroite forms was being strapped down and covered in sea salt water to have a really thirsty goat lick a spot so many times that your skin would ware away until you saw bone. Gross. I, how ever, hated it and will never return to a place involving toture.

After San Gimignano, we headed to Volterra, a cute city on the top of a mountain. Volterra literally means "land that floats" because the clouds hover right below it, making it appear to be floating (althought people cant see it from the ground because of the clods blocking the view). When my mom told me we were going there, something clicked in my head. Wasnt that the place New Moon (the second movie to the movie twilight) was filmed? Turns out I was right. If your not a fan of the sparkly vampire movies, dont bother reading this next part: A part of New Moon was filmed in Volterra (remember the Volterri? Makes sense now!). I stood in the plaza where Bella had run across to save Edward from exposing himself to the humans. Cool, huh?

It was an hour and a half ride back, in which we spent most of the time singing along to the CD our home exchange family had left us.

Since we spent the day walking around, tomorrow is our relax day and we will be spending it at the beach.

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