Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 3: Vatican + Galleria Borghese

Waking up in Rome is a feeling like no other. I think anyone that visits here can agree. Our third morning in Rome was a little more rushed then our previous two for one reason: We had scheduled appointments to attend to. Our first one? The Vatican.

Reserving our spot in the Vatican was one of the best decisions of the trip. Without one, you are forced to wait in a 3 mile long line outside of the Vatican wall in the scorching hot weather. Luckily, mom was smart enough to make our reservations in advance, thus letting us skip the line, and cut right in front of everyone. For those who dont know, the Vatican is a separate country apart from Rome. So once inside, we had to go through security not much different from those at the airport; handing over our back pack shortly after. After paying almost $100 to get inside, we enjoyed ancient Roman history and artifacts. We learned a lot about the Pope and the Catholic religion. The best part, though, was the Sistine Chapel. This is where the Pope is chosen when they need a new one. It is famous for its architecture and paintings. The ceiling was painted by Michelangelo and is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. After oooh'ing and ahhh'ing over the amazing "The Last Judgment" (the most famous painting in the Sistine Chapel) we exited, walked through hall after hall of more artwork, and left the Vatican after re-collecting our stuff.

After our trip to the Vatican, we walked to the nearest subway (which I almost fainted in- turns out I shouldnt be in crowded spaces under ground) so we could travel to our next destination: The Galleria Borghese, a famous museum. The general idea is this: Its a very old used-to-be house filled top to bottom with famous statues and paintings. Our favorite? Paolina. Look her up! A beautiful statue of a laying woman. She almost looked real. We would have never been able to see all the wonderful artwork if it wasnt for our wonderful mom, Tina. Its almost impossible to get into the Borghese without a reservation! Luckily we had one and got to enjoy the beauty of ancient Rome!

After we were sure we had seen enough statues to last a lifetime, we took a long walk home. When we arrived back at our little apartment and were ready to crash, the door wouldnt open. Irritation settled in quickly. We were all ready for some relaxation time. The door still wouldnt open. We eventually called the owner, and had to wait 30 minutes for him to arrive and open the door for us. By the time he got there and opened the door, we were ready to sleep for the rest of the day.

Tomorrow we leave early in the morning for a 6 hour train ride to Venice.
We'll miss Rome, but we're so excited to see whats in store for us in Venice.

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