Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 1: Rome

Months and months of preparing, packing, stressing, and planning have finally come to its product; the trip of our lives. 3 weeks in Italy. What more could we ask for? This is sure to be a trip we'll never forget.

The plane rides was, well, exhausting to say the least. Flying standby causes a lot of unneeded stress for the whole family. Eventually we found our way to Detroit after 2 flights. Having plenty of time until our final flight to Italy gave us time to re-cooperate, so we checked into the nearest hotel and allowed ourselves a nice long nap. After, we drug ourselves back to the airport for one last flight... we were not looking forward to the 10 long hours to our final destination. But, we were pleasantly surprised to get first class, making the trip so much more tolerable.

After landing in Rome, we ventured to our hotel; a cute little apartment type building in the middle of town. We settled in, got dressed in something a little more appropriate for the hot weather, and took an adventure out in the streets of Rome. We soon found out that not only are the streets thin and narrow, so are the sidewalks which are ALWAYS filled with human traffic. The weather was just perfect, and so was our dinner we enjoyed at a small restraunt we discovered down a small hidden street. With our dinner, we listened to live authentic Italian music. After walking out our dinner, collecting more information about Rome, and sweating like crazy, we're finally back at home after a long day.

We're all looking forward to yet another day in our new favorite city, Rome, tomorrow. I see a lot of soar feet in our future.

-Lacey. :)


  1. Love you all, especially that stress ball of a mom of yours!! I am very sad that I could not figure it out to come & meet up with you all :( Enjoy Italy Lacey - I was a little younger than you the first time I went with Uncle David & Aunt Vicki... be present, take a lot of pictures, people watch, and enjoy the culture!!! I'll be thinking of you all while North of you on the continent!! XOXO Jen

  2. Take lots of pictures, my grandma was from Italy and I would love to go there soon. I'm going to ask you when you get back what you liked the most. Please pick up information on the places you liked the best.....Lynette Nelson
    Have a safe trip and we have flown non-rev for years when my husband worked for the airlines, I totally understand your stress! :)
