Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 2: Colosseum

After a much needed night of sleep, we woke up to the sound of what sounded like laughing birds. The sun was shining, there wasnt a cloud in the sky, and we were all ready to hot the streets of Rome once again. We got dressed, ate some breakfast, and were on our way once again.

We had thought we left our room around 11am, but when we finally found out what time it actually was, we were shocked. It was 8:40 am. Which means we had woken up around 6am. We had a lot more time on our hands then we had originally thought. Taking our time, we crissed crossed our way through the narrow streets until we finally found what we were looking for... The Colosseum.

Even bigger in person then it is in pictures, we were surprised at all the history that goes behind it. For example, did you know that everyone accused Cesar Nero for starting the fire that destroyed a lot of the Colosseum? We learned how/when it was made, why it was made, and what it was used for until it became destroyed because of the fire and natural disasters. Today, 2/3 of the original Colosseum exist. We traveled completely around the 2/3 and took some amazing pictures. We will never forget the beauty of this historic landmark.

We visited the Roman forum shortly after. Exhausted, we wove our way through human traffic and ruins; learning along the way.

Time to prepare for day 3! Vatican, here we come!

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